Nahuel Huapi National Park was created in 1934, as an addition to the National Park of the South, one of the first national parks in South America. Its creation (1922) was the beginning of the National Park system in Argentina.

The territory today occupies 705,000 hectares, including the original 8,500 hectares which were donated to the Nation by Perito Francisco Pascasio Moreno with the condition that they be preserved as a public park. The name Nahuel Huapi comes from Mapuche, meaning “Island of the Tiger”.


The forest of Nahuel Huapi National Park are made up predominantly of 3 species of trees: la lenga (Nothofagus pumillo), el Coihue (Nothofagus dombeyi), y el ñire (Nothofagus antartica). There are reduced areas where other types of forestation develops. One case of particular interest is the Arrayane grove on the Quetrihue Peninsula. Because of its high ecological importance this area makes up its own national park, The Arrayane National Park.

The majority of the park is mixed forest, areas composed of various species. You can also find small areas composed of just one species.


This National Park, in addition to important landscapes, exuberant forests, and crystalline lakes, is inhabited by an eclectic array of animals specially developed for this landscape. The area has a considerable diversity of species. For climatic, as well as, biogeographic and evolutionary reasons there is less diversity than in the center and north of the country. The park is inhabited by approximately 200 species of vertebrates, including, 120 species of birds, 42 species of mammals, 13 amphibians, 12 reptiles, and 11 fish. Many of those found exclusively in the Patagonian Andes forest region.


The orography of this Park is greatly affected by glaciers that once occupied the entire surface and started their recession 10,000 years ago. Traces of these glaciers can still be found in Mt. Tronador, Bonete, and Falkner among others. The runoff from the many lake basins finds its way to Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans.

Among the top elevations are Mt. Tronador at 3,553 meters, and South Cathedral Mountain at 2,388 meters.


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